Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The story is of a young man, Daniel, who, through a conversation with a woman he has never met, comes to better understand his relationship with a close friend and so begins to understand himself better as well. The story opens with Stacy, and Lucas (Daniel's friends) standing in front on Stacy's house. Stacy is obviously angry at Daniel, presumably because he refused a ride from their other friend Pete. Daniel leaves abruptly and heads back to his dorm room. On the way it begins to rain and he is forced to wait till the rain dies down underneath and overpass by the entrance to a building. A woman appears and says that she was grading papers late and was leaving to go home when the rain started. She seems to think Daniel is upset and talks to him about his night and what he was doing there. Through their conversation we see that Daniel doesn't seem to understand his friends reaction but by the time she leaves he has come to better understand his interaction with his friend and their relationship as a whole. He also seems to realize that there may be something acting on his decision making that he doesn't understand and of which he is not aware.
This story would be a great set up for a longer series of stories all based around Daniel coming to deeper and deeper understandings about himself and his relationship to the world around him. I want it to have a lot of visual set up and to establish a lot of the larger setting which is not immediately relevant to the plot of this particular story when viewed exclusively. Although, obviously every part of it will play into this story and nothing will be irrelevant I would like to use large amounts of travel in this story to establish a strong sense of place which may seem gratuitous if not viewed with the understanding that the specific places shown will play key roles in the overall story at some later point.
When viewed by itself the dialogue is the obvious center of this particular chapter, the visual portions serve only to create a setting that will later become more relevant and meaningful.

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