Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dream Script

The interior of a small house or trailer home. The decor is 70's low middle class; shag carpeting, wood-paneling, old green couch, small dark wood stand for the small television. The setup is simple and sparse. The room is a long rectangle. The green couch is pushed against the opposite long wall that the television stand is pushed against. The door is on the left wall to the couch and the right wall has one square window with aluminum blinds. The blinds are in a notable amount of disarray. On the same side as the television there is an entrance to an adjoining room, a small square kitchen with one oblong wooden table in the middle, an old refrigerator and the wall to the left of the entrance has a door which leads to at least one more small room. The light in the kitchen is very cold and green which contrasts sharply with the warm orange light of the big room. There is no door between them just an open wall.

Page 1:

Panel A: Two young men sitting on either ends of the green couch, looking bored. Straight shot of their front.

Panel B: The television, a keyboardist is playing on a glitzy stage.

Pane C-D: Also of the television.
Between "D" and "E":

Voice One:
- So, how are things then, Trevor?

Panel E: the young man on the right side of the couch is slouched and starring toward the television.

Panel F: He looks over lazily at the other end of the couch where the "Joe" is sitting.

-"Alright, Joe, I guess"
-"How are you're folks?"

-"They're fine"
Panel G: Joe looks away toward the right.

-"you'll meet them"

Page 2

Panel A: Almost exactly the panel A from page 1.

Panel B: the television. The same show plays.

Panel C: back from the TV a bit but the screen seems to be expanding.

Panel D: A shot through the wall across from the TV, behind Trevor and Joe, who are pretty much silhouettes. The TV screen is very large and distorted.

Panel E: Trevors face, uninterested and lethargic.

Panel F: from the side. The screen is getting closer swallowing the room.

Page 3

Panel A: A shot passed the key board player at trevor sitting on the couch. Now not in the room at all but on stage.

Panel B: Shot of the stage with the empty couch sitting there. and the program going on as normal. Music is playing.

"Now how long has your friend been playing"

Panel C: Trevor playing the piano while Joe talks to the host.

"Well, he's been playing for a while"

Panel D: Shot from the front of Trevor playing.

"It's very hard to do what he's doing"

Panel E: From above, Trevor continues to play and the two men are standing looking at him.

Panel F: Trevor stops and looks up with the expression of a child who has just gotten bored with a two.

"I think I'm done"

Page 4

Panel A: The two men looked shocked.

Panel B: A shot of all of them Trevor staring and them frozen starring back.

Panel C: Joe appears off to the left and Trevor looks over at him.

"Dinner is ready"

Panel D: Trevor is back on the couch looking off in the direction of where Joe was.

Panel E: A long shot of both of them trevor on the couch and Joe in the space between the two rooms.


Panel F: Trevor has stood up and is about to turn into the kitchen. This shot is over his shoulder and his hand is on the wall as he enters.

Page 5

Panel A: A shot of the kitchen from slightly above eye level and out of the top right close corner looking away from the entrance. Joe is sitting at the small round table and his father is sitting next to him. A slightly over weight woman is on the far left of the panel doing something in the sink. His father is n shaven and has greasy black hair. He is wearing a white shirt with yellow stains and dark green sweat pants. Trevor is standing in the entrance.

Panel B: Joe's Father motions for Trevor to sit across from him.

"Trevor, have a seat."

Page 6:

Panel A: Trevor is sitting with Joe between him and Joe's Father.

"So how are you?"

Panel B: Trevor looks up from playing with the end of the table cloth.

"Oh, I'm pretty good."
"How about you?"

"That's great!"

Panel C: Joe's father. He looks like he is explaining something that he is excited about.

"We hope you like dinner"

Panel D: A long shot of them at the table, behind them the woman has turned around with three plates.

"You have a nice place"

Page 7

Panel A: Shot from above as the woman leans over to place the plates on the table.

Panel B: Shot of the plate. It is a boiled, rotten chicken head.

Panel C: Trevor. He is looking down trying to hide his terror.

Father(out of shot):
"Eat up, boys"

Panel D: Joe and Trevor. Joe looks at Trevor concerned and Trevor is still starring at his plate.

"have you ever eaten this before?"

Panel E: Shot from over Joe's head as Trevor looks up at him, still scared and surprised Joe would ask that.

Page 8

Panel A: Joe's father and Joe. His father reaches over and points at Trevors plate.
"Oh it's easy"
"Just stick it in you're mouth, like this..."

Panel B: Joe's father's lizard tounge shoots out and grabs the head.

Panel C: With his mouth full Joe's Father says.

"then use your second row of teeth to grind the skull"

Panel D: All of them. Joe looks down ashamed and his father is starring across at Trevor waiting for him. Trevor just stares at his plate.

Panel E: just the table and under it. The attitude of them is told by the way they're sitting. Joe is slouching slightly, Trevor is gripping his knees tightly and Joe's father is leaning in with his hands on the table edge.

"Go ahead"
"Try it"

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